European Commission Releases REPowerEU Plan

The EU’s new overarching strategy aims to end its dependence from Russian fossil fuels 

The general REPowerEU Communication plan is based on a set of four broad actions:

  1. Save energy: proposal to increase the energy saving target in the Energy Efficiency Directive
  2. Diversify supplies through the work of the recently established EU Energy Platform for the voluntary common purchase of gas, LNG and hydrogen
  3. Substitute fossil fuels by accelerating Europe’s clean energy transition through a massive scale up in renewable energy in power generation, accelerating hydrogen, scaling up biomethane and speeding up permitting and innovation
  4. Smartly combine investments and reforms by: boosting interconnection and infrastructure needs, advancing targeted reforms and investments, optimizing the use of existing EU funds. Such an approach is necessary to gather the additional investment of 210 billion euro between now and 2027 needed to implement the REPowerEU

As GEODE, we will have the opportunity to reflect and exchange on the REPowerEU with the Commission and other stakeholders during our Spring Webinar, on 31 May 2022.